Adaptive Living

by Natalie Books

With ALS, there comes a point in time when mobility and arm movement are no longer possible. The blessing of living in this era is that eyes or voice can replace that movement. People living with ALS and other mobility issues can have a smart home, which makes living with a disability much more bearable.

I can tell you from personal experience that this has been immensely helpful. I have been blessed to have a husband who was an electrician and now works with computer technology. He didn’t initially know how to do a smart home, but it wasn’t too hard for him to figure it out. He worked with others that had experience with various programs and products and together they were able to evaluate the best options.

We installed light switches, a door lock and a thermostat that tie into WiFi and other adapters for lamps and things with cords to make them work with WiFi. Probably the most used and useful feature is the ability to control the bidet so that I can clean myself. I know, TMI, but really, who wants someone else wiping their butt!?! And when I am done, and ready get up, another button calls for the caregiver to come help me, so they don’t have to wait nearby. My husband, Len, set up the system to run from my iPad with buttons that I can control with my eyes through the eye sensors it has.

For me, my voice left while my body was in excellent condition. We had a heads up that I would need adaptive solutions and Len began to think about and research the options. Initially, he designed a system that would work via push buttons but that was a temporary solution for me, and he soon tied it into my eye gaze technology instead. Many other people have opted to use Alexa for voice commands but in my case that was not an option.

We want to share what we have learned and developed to help with people that need it but who feel intimidated and overwhelmed. Len has written out the products and procedures he has used for our system and is currently working on a “cookie cutter” solution that can be implemented by companies and individuals that want to install a system. Please reach out if this is something you are interested in finding out more about.

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Having grown up in the Pacific Northwest, Natalie has a fierce independence and wild adventurous heart. Nat has always been a hands-on person with a love for life, beauty and celebration. She has a degree in horticulture and training in music, carpentry, interior design, floral design and life coaching. Natalie spent time as an intern at a church and went on several ministry trips to places like the Philippines, Japan and India. She was involved heavily in music over the years with several orchestras, choirs and worship groups. She has also dabbled in many things including beekeeping, welding, machinery operation, large quantity cooking and gardening. She loves learning and trying new things. She thrives by being in the outdoors and enjoys making music with friends, preparing and eating good food, contemplation and communing with God through prayer, worship, dance, and journaling, or as she calls it, musing. Right now she is writing music and poetry and is in the early stages of writing a book. She hopes to be healed so she can go on to do many more things…travel, beekeeping, starting a farm and training others in practical ways to become their best selves with life skills and inner freedom.

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